Friday, June 20, 2014


Our Alaska Adventure

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I know a lot of you have been waiting for this and I can't tell you how hard it is to tell about this particular trip.  I just don't how to describe the beauty of what we saw so will probably just have to include more pictures than usual.  What a way to celebrate 40 years of marriage!  The weather was great but a lot warmer than what we anticipated.  The temperature the first few days was in the 60s and maybe 70. We had several overcast days and very little rain.  When we did have rain, it was real light or at night.

June 4th started for us at 2:45 am (Arkansas time) since we had to be at the airport at 4:45 am. We both had trouble sleeping because we were afraid we'd oversleep and we were excited. The line at the United Airlines desk was long when we got there but finally made it through there and through security.  Somehow, we were able to go through the short line in security because we were pre-approved.  We didn't have to take off shoes or belts and didn't have to show our quart bag with liquids.  We left Little Rock at 5:50 am and arrived in Chicago at 7:45.  We had a 7 hour layover there.  Luckily, I have a high school friend who lives near there (Lynette Bozek Wade) and she and her husband came to pick us up and took us to lunch at a wonderful Greek restaurant.  Since I hadn't seen her since 1971 it was really nice to catch up in person instead of letters and phone calls.  Since we had left the airport, we had to go through security again and, once again, got to go through the fast line.  Then it was a 6.5 hour flight to Anchorage, Alaska with a crying baby just a couple rows ahead of us.  

                                                          Coming in to Anchorage

Glacier near Anchorage

Mountains near Anchorage
More mountains - they were amazing!

We were met at the airport (arriving at 7:10 pm Alaska time and 10:10 Arkansas time) by a representative from Holland America. They took a bunch of us to the Westmark Hotel in downtown Anchorage.  We met our Journey Host (aka Tour Director), Rosemary, and after filling out a couple forms, getting our Welcome Packet and our room key we went to our room. Of course we were hungry by that time so walked across the street to the Glacier Brewhouse but there was a 30-45 minute wait and we were tired and hungry so went next door to Orso's. We each ordered the Smoked Salmon Chowder and then split a Smoked Salmon Flatbread. 

The Smoked Salmon Flatbread - Yummy!

Finally got to bed about 10:30 and the sun was shining like it was 10:30 in the morning!  We had to get our suitcases ready to have outside our room by 6:00 am so we were up at 5:15 the next morning.  We were so tired and slept like a rock.

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