Friday, June 27, 2014


June 17, 2014

We slept in this morning until 8:00, but we had lost an hour since we're back in Canada.  We ate at the breakfast buffet this morning.  Conrad took his coffee and we went to Deck 9 for sit outside for awhile and just enjoy the scenery.  After about 30 minutes, we decided to go back to our own balcony, our favorite place.  There were a lot of nearby trees and mountains.  We saw one eagle but no other signs of wildlife until later this afternoon.  Since our bags have to be in the hallway by midnight, it's time to start thinking of what will go in the backpack and what we need for tomorrow.  

We ate lunch at the buffet then back to the room to get stuff packed.  I went to a photo editing class while Conrad sat on the balcony.  Finished packing when I got back.  We started seeing a few orca whales in groups of 6 or so swimming by the boat and several blowing further out.

Our view from the breakfast table

Inside Passage

Inside Passage

Conrad drinking coffee on the back deck

Inside Passage

Inside Passage

Lighthouse on small island in the middle of nowhere!

We decided that since the scenery wasn't as interesting as it had been, we'd finally get out and walk around the ship.  I'm going to add pictures from the ship at the end of this.  We ran in to a few people from our land tour and visited with them while we enjoyed Miller Time at one of the bars.  The Alaska Amber was probably our favorite.

Miller Time!

Our last dinner in the dining room was delicious.  For an appetizer, I had the brie in crispy phyllo with apple-cranberry chutney and Conrad had the spring roll.  He also had the duck and cheesecake for dessert.  I had chicken with cheese and poblano pepper and for dessert, chocolate cake.  All the wait staff walked through and then sang a song in a foreign language. There were so many of them.  We saw some more whales blowing while eating.  We ate with a couple from Washington state and one from near New Orleans.  Both couples were fun to share a meal with and lots of visiting.

My appetizer of Brie in Crispy Phyllo with 
Apple-Cranberry Chutney....Mmmmmm....

This crab greeted us tonight

Love this view!

Inside Passage

This was how Conrad looked most of the time 
on the balcony!

Inside Passage

Sure hated to leave our flowers.  They
were still beautiful and we enjoyed them
so much.  Thanks again, Diane!!

Inside Passage

I'm just going to finish today with pictures from the ship.  The long day today with not much "WOW" as we'd seen, let us know that cruising probably isn't our thing.  However, another group travel trip is not out of the question!  It was so nice not to have to worry about checking in to the hotel or dragging your bags to your room.  Tomorrow morning we dock in Vancouver. Stay tuned......
Entering our stateroom
 Staircase on 4th deck
 Frans Hals Lounge
 The indoor pool
 There were so many "fancy" touches
 You always knew what day it was when you got in the elevator!
 Down our hall - you can barely see the balloons on our door.
 The buffet dining room
 The outdoor pool
 Tennis court
 One of the areas near the elevators
 Piano Bar
 Shopping area
 Some of the art for sale
 More shopping
 The library
 There were huge bouquets of fresh flowers everywhere on the ship.
 4th deck
 You had to make an appointment at this jewelry store
and looks like they served champaign!
Another sitting area - this is where we spent time today.

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