Saturday, June 21, 2014


June 7, 2014

Today was our free day but we still got up early to enjoy the day.  We got up about 6:30,  got ready and caught the shuttle up the hill to the main lodge.  We just got something quick at the Starbucks inside.  We met up with our guide, Rosemary, for the bus to the Visitor's Center for a ranger presentation about Denali.  Then we watched the movie "Heartbeats of Denali" about the changing seasons in Denali.  Don't think I'd want to be there in the winter!  Jeff King had told us that it was interesting one time when one of his nieces was trying to explain "snow days" to one of his daughters!  They now have a policy that there is no school if the temperature is more than 50 degrees below zero!  He said his daughters only missed one day of school because of the weather.  We walked through the museum in the Visitor's Center and it was a really good one.  We decided to walk the Morino Trail and it was another beautiful, sunny day.  We got to walk on tundra and I thought it was pretty neat.  It was real squishy!

Pictures from our walk

By the time we got done, it was time for lunch and we ate at the Visitor's Center.  The options weren't too good and the burgers they were serving were HUGE 1/2 pound burgers.  A child's meal was for those under 14 and over 60 so that's what I ordered. Conrad ordered a turkey/ham panini.  I didn't see that or that's what I would have ordered!

Our lunch

After lunch we caught the bus to the Sled Dog Demonstrations.  There was a program about the history and purpose of sled dogs in Denali.  In winter, that's the only way they have to patrol the park.  We got to walk around and look at the dogs there and then there was a demonstration where they hooked up some dogs to a sled and took off around the gravel track. Really neat watching them run.  This wasn't near as interesting as the Husky Homestead but it was free!

The sled that runs on a gravel track

One of the park dogs

The view while we were watching the demonstration
 We went back to our room, regrouped, then headed back up the hill to check out the rest of the shops across the street.  We ate dinner at the Salmon Bake.  We had the salmon, potatoes, veggies and blonde beer again.  Conrad tried some of the dark beer and decided he liked it!

Conrad liked this chainsaw carved bear.

We walked back to the room and repacked.  Have to have the suitcases out by 8:00 and we leave for Fairbanks at 9:00 in the morning.  It was a bright, sunny day with a temperature of 66. Goodnight!

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