Thursday, March 29, 2018

On the Road Again...

Thursday, June 8, 2017

First, Happy Anniversary to us!  Wow...43 years!  It seems so long yet not so long.  Anyway, we had to say goodbye to Brent and Jackie.  Goodbyes suck...period.  We had made plans with college friend, Jerry Marsh, and his wife Anna for breakfast.  They live in Rio Vista, about 40 miles from Walnut Creek.  
 Wind farm between Walnut Creek and Rio Vista
Between Walnut Creek and Rio Vista
They took us to a nice place overlooking the river but they were closed.  We ended up at a cafe in town and had a good breakfast.  Then, they wanted to take us around to show us the area.  Since we had been to Napa and Point Reyes, they decided on Bodega Bay.  We stopped in the town of Bodega where some of the movie, The Birds, was filmed.
Linda & Conrad at the "schoolhouse"
 Anna & Jerry at the "schoolhouse"
Sign in front of the school
 This church was also in the movie.
The front of the church
Then we headed over to the ocean at Bodega Bay.  It was a gloomy day but any day you can see the ocean is a good day.  We walked through a little mall area and decided to get a snack to hold us over until dinner time.  We stood out by the water for a long time.
 Bodega Bay
 Whale Jaw Bone
 There were lots of sea lions around...
...and lots of gulls. 
This tank full of Dungeness Crab was next door.
You can't tell how big they were in this picture.
We went back to Jerry's and he grilled steaks for our anniversary dinner.  It was really good and we had such a good time catching up.  

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