Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Trip to Napa Valley

Sunday, June 4, 2017

It was another slow day getting around but we finally got on the road again, this time to Napa Valley area.  We stopped along the way for lunch at In-N-Out Burger in Pleasant Hills. Then, we were on our way.  The wine country was so pretty and green.  We didn't have a destination in mind, we just drove around the area. I'm not sure exactly where these pictures were taken, but all are in the Napa Valley area.

Downtown Calistoga

While driving along, Brent noticed that someone he knew, Paul Dresher, had an exhibit showing at the Napa Valley Museum in Yountville.  He wanted to see it so we paid our admission and went to see what it was all about.  We had never seen anything like this and have to admit that it was pretty interesting.  This guy had created musical instruments that were unusual, to say the least.  The purpose is discover new ways of creating sound.  Everything was a hands on exhibit and it was fun!

 Jackie making music
 More instruments
 Brent had to explain most of it to us!
 This pendulum was 17' tall.  Click on the picture
to hear how it sounds.
 Brent gave us a little concert.  Click on the picture
for sound.
We drove through the town of Calistoga where Brent and Jackie had spent a weekend recently.  We stopped at Hydro Bar and Grill for a drink and then headed back towards Walnut Creek.  We stopped to get dinner along the way.  It's been another great day!

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